Who am i?
Web Developer who is clairvoyant
I completed my Bachelor of Computer Application from pokhara University in Nepal. I have also been a student in University Louisiana at monroe. I am the CEO of Sapkota Technologies.
I am a die hard fan of Liverpool football club. I also love watching cricket and listening to music. My favourite band is Pink Floyd. I became clairvoyant at the age of 22 . Clairvoyance simply means the ability to sense spirits around you. It unlocks door to thousands of new possibilities. Read this blog.

“Physical world in which we live is like Hardware and Spiritual world is the like software. The only problem is that most people don’t think software exists.”
– Basanta Sapkota

Nepalese and proud
I was born in Gaindakot, Nepal. There is something about our country that is unique and different and everyone finds it amzing. We have eight of the top ten highest peaks of the world. Gautama Buddha was born in our country. People say our country is the land of gods. I think it’s because it is mountainous and near the densely populated regions of India. Yogis like to be free in the mountains.

I will Tell you about this software which works on spiritual level.
This software that helps sustain life was written by lord Brahma. The whole software code is just the “Thought form” of Brahma. He created four kumaras first in order to help him in creation of humans. One of them was “Jesus Christ” hence the term “Son of God”. Our real home is in heaven, we are here on earth to evolve. Imagine when you wake up in the morning you suddenly know about what happened yesterday. Just like that, after death you really “wake up” and suddenly remember what happened in previous lives.
Slkills and experiences.
I love coding in php. However, I am also fluent in Java, Javascript, c++ etc. I love making websites like this using wordpress.
If you want to build a website, you can contact me, I work from Gaindakot, Nawalpur which is in a close proximity from chitwan. You may also goto Sapkota Technologies.
I love playing video games. My favourite video game is Farcry 4. I also love GTA 5 but nothing beats Counter Strike and PUBG. I also spend time in spirituality. Mostly I read hindu spiritual books, and watch videos of sadhguru on Youtube. There are other worlds out there which are kept secret and no one talks about. I try to uncover those worlds. Keep updated as I try to show you these “Lokas”. You don’t need eyes to see it, you just need to tune in your frequency through mind.
The spirits told me that I was this guy but I am not sure. It is also written in the text that Western theosophists believe “Sanat Kumara” to be “Lucifer”. Please don’t take this seriously. I am here to show why things are the way they are.