My Portfolio
My Experience

(2021 - Present)
Sapkota Technologies
Gaindakot 8 , Nawalparasi East, Nepal
Position: CEO and Project Manager
(WordPress, React, Laravel)

(Feb 2023- OCT 2023)(Part Time)
3100 Clarendon Blvd,
Suite 200
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Position: Full stack WordPress Developer
My resume
My top projects (Click to view Github repo)
- Viral New Products Shop(American Ecommerce site based on New York)
- Doti Rentals (Vacation Rentals in Virginia, USA)
- My Front end compilation (90 Front End Mini Projects)
- Jagat Assault (Unity)
- Obstacle Course Game (Unity)
- My React Repos
- Prefabs Demo (Unity)
- Order Management System (Django)
- My Data Structure and algoritm repo
- Rocket Game (Unity)
- Pulse (Social Media app) - MERN
- Food Recipes Android App
- Laravel API
- Quiz App (Vanilla JS)
- Github profile App
- Business card generator with qrcode (react, netlify)
- Wildfire tracker App (React, Nasa)
- Movie Listing App
- Fictional University (WordPress Custom theme)
- Color palette generator App
- Angular Basics App
- Vue Basics App
My specializations


Kathmandu University high school(2011-2013)
GCE-A levels